Faculty Development Programs

RatifyMe in association with its associate institutes and corporate tech companies we offer different types of faculty development programs. Faculty development is an essential element of Institutional effectiveness. The extent to which the institution supports faculty development will be strongly reflected in levels of the engagement in learning activities, conduct of research and ultimately fulfilling the objectives and goals of the university. Faculty who engage in professional development experiences benefit also in terms of increased vitality, better informed in terms of development taking in various spheres of education and allied fields, innovations and scholarly learning. Moreover, faculty professional development contributes to the effective use of emerging technologies and establishes a firm foundation for the overall development of high-quality programs and curricula.

Faculty development program include the four possible types of development:

  1. personal (interpersonal skills, career development, and life planning issues);
  2. instructional (course design and development, instructional technology);
  3. organizational (ways to improve the institutional environment to better support teaching);
  4. professional (ways to support faculty members so that they fulfil their multiple roles of teaching, research, and service).

Faculty development has a critical role to play in promoting academic excellence and innovation.

Over the past five decades, faculty development activities evolved in focus and expanded progressively. It has been long believed that the most important resource that any institution of higher education has is its faculty members who teach knowledge and skills to students. However, during the first half of the last century, it was assumed that a competent basic scientist or clinical professional would naturally be an effective teacher. Even most medical schools recruited faculty members more for their content knowledge and clinical skills rather than for their educational skills, then after that we find faculty members sometimes being criticized for shortcomings in their teaching performances.

Faculty members need to be prepared enough by some sort of a faculty development program (FDP) in order to deal with the rapid changes and shifting paradigms in educational Sector. Without such training, teaching is often reduced to instructors presenting their understanding of the subject by one-way lecturing.

FDP program helps the faculty to become strong in different things:

·       Instructional development which emphasized the development of faculty skills involving instructional technology, small group teaching, media, courses, and curriculum design

·       Professional development which emphasized the development of individual faculty members in their professional responsibilities as educators, researchers, and administrators

·       Organizational development which emphasized the requirements, and main concerns of the institution

·       Career development which emphasized faculty preparation for career advancement

·       Personal development which stressed on life planning, interpersonal and communication skills of faculty members.

Do faculty development programs activities have a positive effect on student academic achievement in higher education?

In 2005, Bligh reported that implementing FDP was expected to result in enhanced teaching performance by instructors and improved learning outcomes for students. Such improvements included the development of new teaching skills or assessment techniques, improved ways of designing or implementing curricula, newer ways of viewing the student–teacher relationship, and increased commitment to the educational perspectives.

Why are faculty development programs important?

In recent times, there has been accumulating evidence about the ineffectiveness of the traditional way of teaching. The importance of faculty development to respond to advances in engineering, medical education and healthcare delivery, to continue to adapt to the growing responsibilities of faculty members, and to carry out more rigorous program evaluations.

The opportunities and challenges of technology: Technologies offer many opportunities to enhance learning processes with information, simulations, and engaging learning activities, and faculty members must have the knowledge and skills to take advantage of these advances in their teaching and curriculum planning.

Our Services towards FDP’s:

Provide academic interactions by delivering Special Lectures on topics related to modern Industry. Free or self-financed or shared basis FDP in emerging technologies as per industry. Assistance to get sponsorship from corporate companies or Organizations and to organize Workshops/ Conferences and Personality Development Programs for enhancement of skills in respect of Faculty, Staff in organization.

Outcomes after FDP:

·       High satisfaction with FDPs

·       Changes in attitudes toward teaching and faculty development

·       Gains in knowledge and skills

·       Changes in teaching behaviour

·       Changes in organizational practice and student learning.

Some of Faculty Development Programs:

1.       AI & ML

2.       Advancements in next generation network Technologies

3.       Advancements in cloud Technologies

4.       Data Science and Big Data

5.       Research Methodologies

6.       Latest Programming languages and software tools in industry

7.       Chip Design Technologies

8.       Advancements in Infrastructure Development Technologies

9.       Advancements in Renewable Energies.

10.   Automation Technologies

11.   Advancements in Automobile industry

12.   Advancements in IoT

13.   Advancements in Robotics

14.   Pharma co-vigilance

15.   Medical Coding

16.   Advancement in medical field using Image Processing

17.   Advancements in Marketing, and Human Resource

18.   Role of social media in education

19.   Impact of online education

20.   Problem based learning: Real time case studies and industry practices

21.   Information Security and Digital Forensics

22.   Blockchain Technologies, applications and Use cases

23.   Data Science for Engineering problem solving

24.   Research Methodology: Data Collection Methods, Research Tools and Techniques